
The project “Trio Education: Trainers , Parents, Children starts from the analysis of the existing context in the region ofeach partner institutions: – the phenomenon of aggression of children and adolescents, manifested in various forms in theeducational environment, at home, in social centres and medico-social centres, on the street, in playgrounds, etc. – theprofessional needs of trainers in partners institutions, to help parents intervene in the education of their children.
The partner institutions in FR, SP, RO, IT, and MK are confronted in their regions, with the increase of the aggressivenessphenomenon of young people, accentuated by the pandemic situation. The training of trainers and the transfer ofpractices for parents is necessary because the aggressive behaviour of children can hide deeper problems, which canlater create difficulties for their social and professional integration. The direct target group of the project is the trainers ofthe partner associations: social workers, actors in the field of education, educational counsellors, multidisciplinary actors,who need intervention techniques to deal with the multitude of requests for support from families who meet difficulties ineducating their aggressive children.
Parents justify their children’s aggressive behaviour by saying “I don’t know what todo” and they sometimes deny children behaviour, which proves they don’t know them enough. The aggressiveness ofchildren is amplified by: the tendency of educational systems to promote the elimination of sanctions; the attitudes ofparents who are refractory and don’t collaborate to solve the aggressions of their children and don’t bring a majorcontribution to educate them. Children’s aggressiveness manifests itself differently, so parents need personalized supportdepending on the type of aggressiveness, needs and expectations. There are just a few institutions that teach parentshow to manage everyday conflict situation.
Therefore, the role of associations in the education of parents according to thescientific principles of psycho-pedagogy becomes a necessity. The most relevant priorities according to the objectives ofour project are: I. Improving the competences of educators and other adult education staff. Being a project of cooperationand exchange of good practices and methods achieved through learning mobility (LTTAs) between the 5 Europeanpartners, through the topics addressed by each, through the added value brought by each, the project can ensure thenecessary development of trainers, learning better methods and more innovative teaching; the trainers will guide andadvise parents in their regions who have difficulty educating their aggressive children. II. Enhancing quality assurance inadult education.
The trainers from the 5 partner institutions wish a cooperation project with a strong impact on the qualityof adult education in their regions. Objectives 2 and 3 of our project refer to the acquisition by trainers of strategies andcompetencies to create customized work techniques, depending on the needs of the target groups and to provide highquality activities in the future. The trainers will develop new methodologies that they will transfer to the education ofadults, including parents. In order to ensure the improvement of the quality of adult education in the future and theextension of the impact beyond the project, the partner institutions will use all the online tools at their disposal, includingtheir web pages on which they will post their new training offer.